

Open banking in Hungary: 18 banks are ready



As of March 14, 2019 all banks in the European Union shall offer open access via APIs to current account data of their customers for testing. 18 of the TOP20 banks in Hungary have already opened their testing environments and developer portals as required by PSD2. Here is the list of the pioneering Hungarian banks.

We searched through the banks websites and gathered the links to the developer portals. We marked where you find information only, or the links to the sandboxes where available.

See the PSD2 sandbox list of the TOP20 Hungarian banks

  1. OTP Bank: sandbox is available (further info)
  2. K&H bank: sandbox is available (further info)
  3. UniCredit Bank: sandbox is available (further info)
  4. Erste Bank: sandbox is available (further info)
  5. Raiffeisen Bank: sandbox is available
  6. MKB Bank: sandbox is available
  7. CIB Bank: sandbox is available
  8. Takarék Kereskedelmi Bank (Takarék Group): sandbox is available
  9. Budapest Bank: sandbox is available
  10. Merkantil Bank: sandbox is available
  11. Sberbank: sandbox is available
  12. GRÁNIT Bank: sandbox is available
  13. Commerzbank: information only
  14. KDB Bank: sandbox is available (further info)
  15. Bank of China: no information is available
  16. MagNet Bank: sandbox is available
  17. Cetelem Bank: no information is available
  18. DUNA Takarék: information only
  19. Pannon Takarék (Takarék Group): sandbox is available
  20. Sopron Bank: information only

What is Open banking? – simply taken

In general, banks collect, process and work with huge amount of data. You might analyse these data with intelligent technologies and present the results on a way that it is easy to understand, present in an enjoyable format. This would help the customers to understand and interpret their finances on a different way and so would facilitate better decisions.

PSD2 and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) states that the customers have the right to decide upon how they want to use their data i.e. they decide what companies they give consent to see and use their financial data. (The data processor companies have to ensure that all data is transferred on a secure way, via open APIs.) The rights given to the customer encourages banks to develop better services so that they can keep their customers, also new companies with new approaches might deliver enjoyable, better targeted services to the users as well. The competition for the customers’ consent to accessing their data has started.

Open banking is a business and service provisioning approach based on advanced analysis of the banking. It facilitates the provisioning of digital financial services that are not only personalized, but based on the life-situation of the customers.

