

Mutatjuk az eddigi legjobb Hack The Crisis projekteket! 700-an a hazai rajtvonalnál



Pár óra és elstartol Magyarország eddigi legnagyobb hackathonja, a Hack The Crisis Hungary! Több mint 100 fejlesztő csapat, 60 tech mentor és szakértő, 700 feletti elhivatott a hackathon online kommunikációs platformján. Hamarosan élőben is közvetítünk a „frontvonalból”, ahol megszületnek a koronavírus járvány kihívásaira választ adó legújabb digitális megoldások. Addig is összegyűjtöttük, melyek lettek a legjobb megoldások más országokban, ahol már lezajlott a Hack The Crisis. Íme 23 „nyertes” projekt, amiket érdemes megismernünk.

Hack The Crisis eredmények az elmúlt 3 hétben

Az első Hack The Crisis online hackathont 2020. március 13-15. között tartották Észtországban, amit a mai napig további 20 követett többek között Lengyelországban, Litvániában, Finnországban, Németországban, Törökországban, Franciaországban, Ausztriában, Norvégiában, Olaszországban, Svájcban.

Ezen a hétvégén, 2020. április 3-5. között kerül megrendezésre Magyarországon is a Hack The Crisis, amivel párhuzamosan 15 másik országban is (pl. Szlovákiában, Hollandiában, Argentinában, Madagaszkáron, Cipruson, Nigériában) zajlik majd az online csapatmunka.

Mi az a Hack The Crisis?

A Hack The Crisis online ötletverseny és hackathon esemény célja, hogy a fejlesztők olyan megoldásokat dolgozzanak ki, amelyek a koronavírus okozta nehéz helyzetben támogatják a kulcsfontosságú szakembereket, szervezeteket, közösségeket, illetve oktatási intézményeket. Az esemény hivatalos weboldala itt.

Az eddigi legjobb projektek Észországból, Lettországból, Finnországból, Norvégiából, Svájcból

Észtország (1000+ résztvevő) – Link a projektekhez

1. Zelos – Connecting people at risk with volunteers via call center

The hardships of the most vulnerable people in the society, eg those who don’t have any family members or friends to help them, have been gravely exacerbated by the corona crisis. There are many people who would be willing to help, but currently, there is no good way to connect people in need with volunteers. Project link

2. Ventit Breathing apparatus

1% of people who get coronavirus develop Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and need a breathing machine to survive, called ventilators. In the case of a pandemic, there aren’t enough to go around. For instance, in Italy their doctors have to choose who lives and who dies purely on the availability of such machines – no doctor should have to do this.

3. Vanemuine – medical volunteer management database

Today we lack an organized and secure database to find people with suitable medical competences based on their location and call them to action. When in a crisis situation, there is a need for medical volunteer resources. Today’s situation is that volunteer information is kept in unsecure datasheets. It is very time-consuming to reach out and check the availability of volunteers. Project link

4. Share Force One – workforce sharing platform that connects B2B sides for temporary workforce exchange

Due to the coronavirus crisis, a lot of companies and employees have been left to deal with the unknown – will they have jobs and salaries? Some companies are in need of additional workforce and others are facing the reality of not being able to offer jobs anymore. Although this problem has risen like a shooting star during the past couple of days, the excess of workforce and need for the additional workforce are problems that companies have to deal with all the time. Project link

5. Corona-tracker by Velmio

There’s mounting pressure on the healthcare system and a lack of real-time data sources for individuals and governments to monitor the situation. The virus is very contagious and although most cases are mild, the illness is deadly for certain groups of people. There’s currently no way to self-monitor your risk or recovery from home in real-time, and it will become infeasible for all of us to bombard our doctors and hospitals constantly for advice. Project link

Lettország (850+ nemzetközi résztvevő) – Link a projektekhez

1st place: Face Shields

3D printed face protector for medical professionals

In consultation with the PSKUS specialists at Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, the first prototypes of facial protectors were produced, which were presented by the team to the leading Latvian epidemiologists on day 2. Today, the team is in contact with doctors and hospitals, manufacturers and representatives of the Ministry of Health, who are very interested in using the solution and plan to introduce them. Project link

2nd place: Emergency Ventilator

Emergency ventilators treating patients with short-term respiratory failure

As part of the hackathon, the team worked on manufacture of artificial respiratory equipment that treats patients with short-term respiratory failure and is heavily needed to treat complications caused by COVID-19. Within 48 hours, the first prototype of an artificial lung-venting machine was created. Currently, the team is actively consulting industry experts to make improvements and begin its testing. Project link

3rd place: Exonicus

Keeping safe medical personnel caring for COVID-19 patients

Exonicus team is developing a computer and smart-device simulation program that provides training to medical personnel caring for COVID-19 patients. In cooperation with the University of Riga Stradins Medical Education and Technology Centre, Vidzeme University and Digital Health Cluster Latvia, Exonicus team is currently working on a video simulation programme for the development of a training scenario, which will be distributed immediately throughout Latvia through the Infectology and Disease Prevention and Control Centre. Project link

4th place: Flipful

Business rescue package to fight coronavirus fallout

The Latvian government has promised to provide 75% of salary payments to employers affected by the consequences of the virus in order to avoid the liquidation of companies. Flipful’s team is developing a corporate support tool – a solution to idle payments management as a one-stop point to make processing easier for both the National Revenue Service and businesses, making it simple and understandable without additional administrative burden. Project link

5th plac: Paliec Mājās

A volunteer-based crisis communication hotline managing contactless delivery solutions for every age group

“Stay Home”, in close cooperation with state and non-governmental organisations, has developed a hotline and an Internet platform for volunteers connecting those who need help with those who can provide it. The Facebook group of the “Stay Home” Voluntary Aid movement already has nearly a thousand members organizing to offer help. Project link

Finnország – Link a projektekhez

1. EpidemiAI

[Leírás csak finnül.]

Project link

2. COVID-19 Scenario Planner

The Advanced Scenario Planner is free, browser-based service with variety of future scenarios created by the industry experts and crowd. These scenarios are used by the business owners who are in crisis for not having data to back up their decisions. Project link

3. Safe Zone

The service helps (risk group) people to move outside by giving information on areas where are less people. Service is based on use of many realtime data sources with AI, like crowd insight data, street cameras etc. The users can share information of the status as well. Project link

4. Save Restaurants

The pandemic has hit small businesses such as restaurants the hardest. This simple yet effective solution allows people to buy gift cards from their favourite restaurants during the coronavirus period. By doing this, restaurants will have the money they need to pay their fixed costs. Project link

5. Kauko App

An easy-to-use, all-in-one remote educating app for elementary school students aged 6-8 years old. Designed to help teachers to connect and share during social isolation during the corona outbreak. A tool to encourage kids to embrace digitalization as part of their day-to-day school life. Project link

Svájc (1700+ résztvevő) – Link a projektekhez

1. CoronApp

The virus app that went viral – get all the information you need about Covid-19 right here, right now! Project link

2. Detect Now

Deep learning to detect coughing related to COVID-19 from recordings. Project link

3. WeTrace

Find out if you were in contact with someone that was tested positive. Project link

4. 1_008_corona_tracking_CoroNow-Contact tracking via Bluetooth

CoroNow app is the smartest way of social distancing. While it helps you to keep distance from other individuals it also informs you if you had contact with positive tested individuals in the past. Project link

5. virus tracker

Tracks the virus – not its users! Project link

Norvégia – Link a projektekhez

#Save Lives

1st prize: 3D printer mot covid-19

Project link

#Save Communities

1st prize: Omkrets – Creating a Safe Shopping Experience for our Community

Project link

#Save Businesses

1st prize: Project Wham

Project link

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